How To Migrate an EC2 Instance from one region to another region .

Prerequisite :

You need a running instance that you want to migrate to another region .


Step 1 --> Go to your running instance --> Actions-->Image and templates -->Create Image .

After that give an image name and description(optional if you want ) , give a volume size if you also want to increase the size of the volume, fill anything you want in others or keep them default and create an image.

Step:2 --> Go to AMI Section, Choose your AMI --> Go to Action-->Copy AMI set your destination region where you wanna create a new instance

  • (You can choose Launch Instance From AMI if you wanna create the same instance as your instance. )

Step : 3 Go to your destination region-->Go to AMI section --> Select your AMI -->Launch instance from AMI after that follow the same steps that you follow to create a new instance

You successfully created a replica of instance from one region to another.

Now delete your Previous Region Instance And Deregister AMI .

Make Sure To Delete Resources If You Do It For Test Purposes.

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